What Can I Do For You?

Cry of the Forerunner Retreat

A retreat for men, 27-29 September 2024. Find out more at the button.

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On-line groups

I partner with Maniphesto to offer men's groups for structured accountability & personal development in North America. The "Learn More" button will take you to the Maniphesto website.

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1:1 Coaching

I have a limited number of slots open for 1-on-1 coaching with motivated men. Contact me for availability and rates.

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Retreats & Public Speaking

I have a number of retreats that I can offer, and I can talk about a variety of men's issues on your podcast or to your organization or church.

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Mature Masculinity Course

[Under construction] My flagship course designed to help men get their balls, minds, and hearts back so they can get the lives and relationships they want. Details forthcoming.

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Upcoming Events


Bedros Keuilian Live, 13-14 Sept 2024, Scottsdale, AZ

I will be one of the featured presenters for Bedros Keulian Live this year. Come and learn how to maximize your potential in life and in business.

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Cry of the Forerunner, 27-29 Sept 2024

2nd annual retreat for men at Holy Transfiguration Church, Livonia, MI. Learn more and register now!

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Contact me

If you have any questions or just want to get in touch, use the form below. I look forward to hearing from you!