Showing 4 Result(s)

On Pagans and Priests with Fr Michael Butler — Parallax

18 Nov 2018. Interview with Andrew Sweeny on his Parallax podcast. 7:53 Orthodoxal mission in US.11:25 What’s the appeal of the Orthodox Tradition?11:58 Fr. Michael’s story of finding religion.15:45 Premodern, archetypal, symbolic orthodoxy.16:35 routines, personal embodied practical experience.17:08 Sanctification of time and space. Texture of meaning for life.19:25 Traditionalism.20:33 The Jordan Peterson phenomenon.23:17 Good man …

Creation And The Heart Of Man (Andrew Morriss & Fr. Michael Butler – Acton Institute)

21 Aug 2015 Rooted in the Tradition of the Orthodox Church and its teaching on the relationship between God, humanity, and all creation, Fr. Michael Butler and Prof. Andrew Morriss offer a new contribution to Orthodox environmental theology. Too often policy recommendations from theologians and Church authorities have taken the form of pontifications, obscuring many …